Wednesday, October 10, 2012

elm & gray for land of nod!

I'm SO EXCITED to share my new canvas growth chart designs....exclusively for Land of Nod!! Did I actually just write that?? Yes....I did! yay!

In conjuction with my partnership with Oopsy Daisy, I (we) developed four adorable growth charts for this amazing retailer.  I'm not lying when I tell you that having my products in Land of Nod stores/online/in their catalog has been on my "vision board" for over 4 years. I am SO EXCITED about this. Can you tell??

Aside from their amazing products.....I am also enamored with "their story". Take a  minute and check it out. It really makes you want to root for them and see them continue to succeed.  Go Land of Nod!

Check out all the amazing growth chart designs at Land of Nod  here.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow Stacy I love these!!! If I had a boy I would get the Elephant for sure... girl, well you already know. ;0) <3 you!
